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Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. As one academic year draws to an end we are already gearing up for the start of a new one! We are...
Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Life can be tough at times and all too easily we can turn into our own worst critic and spiral into negative,...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update and to summer. At last the rain clouds are gone and the sun is shining. How many of you just associated that sentence with a...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update and to Carers Week! This is an annual campaign that raises awareness of caring. It highlights the challenges unpaid carers face and recognises the contribution...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update. In case you did not know it is volunteers week. It has been a good opportunity to celebrate and say thank you to our amazing...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update. Everyone who comes to our college including the staff are learners. We all learn from and with each other to develop ways in which to...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update. We have an amazing offer of courses leading into the summer. More courses at more venues being led by many of our new team members....
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update. We are very fortunate to hear about how many of our learners have re-built their lives, regaining hope and a life of value again. Even...
Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update. We moved into Mirfield Community Centre this week as our main Kirklees hub where we will run a lot of our courses. Speaking of which...
Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and our weekly update. Thanks to Robert for his article in Keeping Connected. It was heart warming to read his story of how attending the College...