A fond farewell

A fond farewell from Daniel, learner and friend of the College. Daniel has been a great support to us here and we are so grateful for his smiley face, his enthusiasm, laughter and everything else he has brought, when supporting our art & craft and fun & games at Christmas courses – and so much more besides! We are sure you will join us in wishing him well in this next chapter of his life.
“IĀ hope you are keeping well and continuing to achieve amazing things. š Of course, this aim is what rests at the epicentre of everything a learner does at the Recovery College. I myself have had the absolute pleasure of being a learner here and will continue to be so beyond the Recovery College sphere and in life.
There is a famous saying from of old, ‘every dog has its day’, well mine has come. It’s time for me to move onto the next season of my life and do what God wants me to do next.Ā I wanted to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for all the help and support I have received from so many of you here at the college. Whether a friendly word, an action or just being there, it has made a personal difference to me and my journey and I hope I have made a difference in some way to your journey too.
I started with the Recovery College as a learner back in January 2019, not fully knowing what I was getting myself into. I was in a difficult place mentally and emotionally. I turned up at the old Pathways building in Mirfield, one Monday and the doors were ‘wide open’. That first step was the most daunting but I can say now with confidence that it’s the best step I ever took.Ā It enabled me to find out what I could achieve and do to help myself and others. By attending courses and meeting so many other learners, I started to discover things I never fully understood about myself. Most importantly, the warm welcome, embrace and encouragement I received from people there helped make these things happen.
Once settled in and after getting a push in the right direction, I gradually but progressively moved onto becoming a volunteer (something I recommend!) It built my confidence and allowed me to partake in activities at the front or behind the scenes. I also became a co-facilitator on courses, something I never imagined I would be capable of but others saw this potential in me and helped me to achieve this, thank you. I feel it is also appropriate to note that I will always be a ‘friend of the college’, whether officially or otherwise!
It has been great to be involved in so many different aspects of the college and help it grow. It’s wonderful to see how some potential notions at college meetings have now materialised into the ways and means of college life. I am glad I have been able to witness these things. It feels like the blink of an eye to see how far I have come and things I have been privileged to be part of. It has been my honour to help and work alongside so many amazing people within the college and its wider community.
I’m grateful for this platform to be able to express my thoughts and feelings, and for allowing me to help make the college a place where everyone feels a part. I love helping people so even if I’ve made just a small difference to somebody or something, then I have accomplished what I set out to do.
I wish the college every success moving forward and all of you the very best in life.”
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