Finding my place in the world

Learner, Jana bravely shares with us her story of tragic loss and how the Recovery College is helping her to find herself and her place in the world.
“In September 2023 I lost my husband after 25 years together. He died in the car right next to me, due to a sudden cardiac arrest as I was taking him to the hospital, which left me feeling totally unprepared and devastated. My mental health has never been very good and after his death I sought therapy but was turned away; being told that I had “normal grief feelings” despite the traumatic circumstances of his passing.
One day in October, I could not stay in the house any longer and just drove around. Then I remembered that 8 years ago during a depressive episode, my GP had recommended the Recovery College. The WRAP course (aka A Plan for Living Well) helped me then, but life took over and I forgot all the things I’d learnt. So, I drove to Mirfield to see if the College was still there, and luckily it was.
As soon as I walked in, the staff welcomed me with open arms. I enrolled and booked on several courses; some creative and others to help me improve myself like Confidence to Work, Letting go of Loneliness and many more. I found the creative courses really helped to take the focus away from my loss, if only for a few, but enjoyable hours. I came to realise that there is life after losing someone and there are other people out there who are struggling with all kinds of mental health issues.
The Recovery College is a place of understanding, that is non-judgemental and makes everyone feel they are of worth and that life can get better. Maybe not as before, but better than the dark times. Following the loss of my husband, and my role as a wife I need to find myself and a new place in the world; I am grateful that the College is helping me to achieve that.
Now only one year later I have completed a training course to be an Ambassador for the College as well as becoming a volunteer, something I would not have dreamt possible just twelve months ago.”
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