Self Soothe and Self Care

My name is Louise and I’m a passionate advocate for self-soothe and self-care.
Just over 5 years ago, during a very desperate time in my life, when I didn’t even recognise myself, I experienced some incredibly difficult emotional turmoil. A struggling mother, an absent friend, an unemployed college lecturer and a recently diagnosed Mental Health patient. Despite the support of a loving family and professional help, I felt completely and utterly lost. Thoughts of hopelessness and worthlessness were overwhelming.
Recovery hasn’t been easy, but through twists and turns and a variety of means and support – I am here today. I discovered self-soothe and self-care techniques, which I quickly developed a passion for. I’m now able to share, through facilitating helpful and healing workshops, comfort to others as they embark on their own personal journey towards recovery.
Thanks to the techniques I’ve learnt, I’ve done things I never imagined possible. It’s helped me to better regulate my emotions and to take ownership and control of what wellness looks like to me. It’s allowed me to be my true authentic self! Whether it be through daily journaling, mediation or mindfulness through music, self soothe, and self-care looks different for everyone! Through my workshops, I hope to welcome and nurture new ideas and practises as well as sharing what some of the practises meant to me on my own journey.
Lou, RWC Volunteer
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