Weekly update

Welcome the weekly update. We are very excited to have launched a number of courses! Starting in September until the new year and now available for you to book onto.
From knitting to finding out about how to get the best out of your medication; from managing anxiety to eating well for less! Please click the link below to have a browse at our new courses page:
Please remember:
- You only need to enrol once with the college
- To book onto a course please email us any time ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk
- You can also call us next from next week (Monday 8th August) on: 07717867911
- Please be patient as we are short of admin staff – so there may be a delay of a few days before we book you onto courses
If you are new to the College please enrol here
In case you missed it last week here is our newsletter with more news and views from our college
Good news! We will be starting our new admin worker in September!
Meanwhile…please bear with us. We’ll do our best to respond to any booking requests and enquires but we may be a little delayed in doing so!
You can help by:
- not enrolling again with us if you have attended a course in the last 2 years – just email or call to book onto a course
- attending courses you have booked onto
- getting in touch if you can’t attend a session in advance
- keeping us informed of any changes in your contact details and provide the correct email address
- emailing us where possible ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk
- calling our main mobile number only on: 07717867911
If you can help us we can help you even more!
Please note – we wont be taking calls or responding to emails tomorrow – Friday 5th August
Your help is needed
Do you, or a loved one have disordered eating/an eating disorder? Are you passionate about mental health and eating disorders? If you have said yes to either of the above questions and you live in
Calderdale… We would love to hear from you!
At Insight Eating & Insight Health, we want to hear your views about what support is needed for people with eating disorders/disordered eating in Calderdale.
If you would like to contribute to this project, please see below ways to get involved. Please advise us if you have any adjustments needed in order to take part.
Type of Involvement | Dates | Contact |
Engagement Event via Zoom (1 hour) | 1st September 11am-12noon | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82000365193?pwd=WGVuMHlockdsZ0FXMnZhdXRHL25wdz09 |
Focus Groups (online) (1-3 hours), or Expert group (3 hours+) |
Dates confirmed depending on demand |
calderdaleedscoping@gmail.com |
Email as detailed as you feel necessary | Inbox open 24hrs | calderdaleedscoping@gmail.com |
1:1 available via MsTeams; zoom or telephone | Arranged with individual | calderdaleedscoping@gmail.com |
Complete Survey (under 10 minutes) | Open now | https://forms.office.com/r/P400ZBRDxE |
Other initiatives from local organisations:
Support to Recovery
S2R’s brand-new August Schedule is here! So if you’d like to join in with any of our outdoor wellbeing sessions, local community projects or crafty and creative workshops, then take a look at their new August 2022 Schedule.
Walks for Wellbeing in Calderdale Upper Valley
- Safe, confidential environments
- A space to chat to others and feel supported
- Opportunity to get some fresh air and gentle exercise
Boost your mood in the great outdoors by joining your friendly and caring local walking and peer support group.
Book by contacting Liz with your name and number:
or call: 07541 690145
Walks For Wellbeing – Healthy Minds (Calderdale)
Cycle for Health
Build your fitness, self-esteem and confidence by joining a free 12 week community cycling course aiming to help you to improve your health and wellbeing. This programme is specially designed for adults who could benefit from improving their physical or mental health, and sessions are run by supportive instructors. As long as you can cycle a short distance (even if it hasn’t been for many years) then you can take part!
Courses are taking place at different venues across West Yorkshire.
For more details and to book contact Cycling UK on 01483 904562, or email cycleforhealth@cyclinguk.org
Get Set Goal
This is a new service from the University of Huddersfield, offering FREE one-to-one help in setting and reaching your health and wellbeing goals. A supervised health care student will work with you over several weeks to develop effective goals for being and feeling well. They will also support you as you take steps to achieve your goals. Appointments are online or by telephone. Students are supervised by registered health care professionals.
For more details or to book email: GetSetGoal@hud.ac.uk
Wellbeing get together for young people who are deaf or hard of hearing
A group event in the Greenhead Park area of Huddersfield for anyone aged 16-25 who is deaf or hard of hearing. Join in and enjoy a walk, a meal and good company. Your travel costs can be paid, get in touch to find out more.
Saturday 30th July, 11.30am – 2pm
For details and to book a place, contact Sabah on 07874 041074 or email contact@dex.org.uk
Richmond Fellowship Zoom Workshops
These workshops are open to everyone aged 18 or over who lives in Kirklees and experiences mental health issues, problems or concerns.
This new two week workshop that starts on the 15th August 1-3pm will show how food can affect our mental wellbeing in a positive and negative way and general tips on what to eat to improve your mental health.
This extremely popular 6 week workshop starts on the 18th August and explores all aspects of getting into employment after being out of work for any length of time due to poor mental or physical health.
This 2 week Workshop starts on the 5th September 1-3pm and will cover all aspects of improving and maintaining mental health through practical means that people can use on a daily basis.
This new 2 week workshop starting on the 19th September 1-3pm will offer practical advice and tips on ways to maintain mental wellbeing and cope with the changes in our way of life since the start of the Pandemic and the changes now that the restrictions ended.
For more info or to book a place please contact our friend:
Karl Jackson-Lander on 07909 993203 or email: Karl.Jackson-Lander@richmondfellowship.org.uk
Check before you travel and don’t forget about the train strikes!
Dates are: Saturday 30th July, Saturday 13th August, Thursday 18th and Saturday 20th August
Not all services will be affected so please click below for more info:
Train strikes: When are they and which trains are running? – BBC News
Join us on Facebook and Instagram:
C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook
Stay safe and reach out
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
More news articles

Weekly Update
We are a little early this week but welcome to the weekly update! With less than 3 weeks to the start of the new term courses are beginning to fill...

Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Are you ready for some courses to help you live well? Well hang in there for just one more week! You may...