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Weekly Update
We are a little early this week but welcome to the weekly update! With less than 3 weeks to the start of the new term courses are beginning to fill...
Weekly update
Welcome the weekly update. We are very excited to have launched a number of courses! Starting in September until the new year and now available for you to book onto....
Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Are you ready for some courses to help you live well? Well hang in there for just one more week! You may...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Have a scroll through the many community projects and contributions at the bottom of this page! Lots to get involved in and some great support...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. You may notice fewer courses running over the month of August. Don’t worry we are just taking some time to take annual leave and plan...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We still have spaces for a number of courses. Recommended to you is Lifting Your Spirits. With some excellent feedback from our learners. This course...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Our college is more than the buildings we occupy. The college is made of people like you, like us, who support each other, learning together...
Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Kayaking, knitting, learning how to manage anxiety to name a few amazing courses on offer for FREE! To support you to stay...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update where you can find out about new courses taking place in person at Hope Street in Halifax and at our base in Mirfield. We are...
The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Please have a look at our courses on offer. As we come out of the pandemic more courses are taking place in person at Hope...