Weekly Update

Welcome to the weekly update with courses on offer and a wealth of community information. You’ll be hearing a lot about the number 10 from us as we celebrate our 10th year. Look out for our themed social media posts with “10 ways to…. “. This month it is all about 10 ways to connect!
As part of this we are keen to connect with you our learners and ask you to help us in shaping our future!
Listen to Matt our principal inviting you to join our next Cuppa and Connect event here
Cuppa and Connect
27th January at Mirfield Community Centre 10.30am 12.30pm Mirfield Community Centre
We are planning events for all our learners in 2025 to connect in different venues across Calderdale and Kirklees.
This will be a chance for you to chat with staff, meet new people and be part of celebrating 10 years of the Recovery and Wellbeing College.
Please do book on now!
Cuppa & Connect – Mirfield Community Centre
Please bear with us!
We just wanted to let you know that, like everyone else, the Recovery College Team sometimes face illness and unexpected life events. This means our plans can occasionally go off track, and we might have to cancel, postpone, or change the courses you’ve signed up for. If you’ve been affected by any recent changes, like with our “Chess for Beginners” or “Anxiety & Stress Relief” courses, we are truly sorry. We always do our best to avoid these disruptions. The good news is that most of our courses aren’t one-offs, so they’ll likely run again in the future. We wanted to let you know that we really are grateful for your patience and understanding.
Courses coming up soon…
How to Find Freedom & Happiness with The Four Agreements
Howlands Centre, Dewsbury, School Street, Dewsbury, WF13 1LD – Monday 20 January 2025 1pm – 3pm 4 weeks
Join us for this insightful four-week course based on the book by Don Miguel Ruiz. With the help and support of our lovely Peer Workers, Karen and Ash, together we will learn about this simple set of ideas which will enable us to reflect on how we see our interactions with the world. We will also have the opportunity to share personal thoughts and practical ways of embedding these agreements into our everyday lives to enable us to discover our personal power and see how we can live a life of freedom and happiness.
How to Find Freedom & Happiness with The Four Agreements
The Delights of Decopatch Taster Workshop
Project Colt, Elland, Halifax, Bridgefield Mills, Elland Bridge, Elland, Halifax HX5 0SQ – Wednesday 22 January 2025 10am-12.30pm 1 week
Decopatch is a creative activity using mixed media and paper craft techniques. On this fabulous taster workshop, our amazing facilitator, Wendy will introduce you to the techniques of this wonderful craft. The sessions will be delivered with a gentle and supportive approach, encouraging a sense of wellbeing and artistic expression.
The Delights of Decopatch Taster Workshop
Living Well with ADHD
Mirfield Community Centre, Water Royd Lane, Mirfield, WF14 9SG – Thursday 23 January 2025 2pm – 4.30pm 6 weeks
Do you have a diagnosis of ADHD yet feel you don’t fully understand the condition? Do you want to meet others with ADHD and share your experiences? Do you want to live your best life, making your brain work better for you? If so, this is the course for you!
Created by staff with ADHD who recognised a need for more support and information, this brand-new, innovative, six week course offers us the opportunity, as a group, to explore how our ADHD brains work and to build strategies for a better life.
Attendees of the course will be invited to a post course session on the 3rd April.
Recovery & Wellbeing College courses
Click the icon or link below for details of all our upcoming courses:
Click to book – View all courses – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)
Recovery & Wellbeing College – How to book your place
If you are already enrolled with the college, please email us to request a place on your chosen course(s) at: ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk or call us on: 07717 867911 or you can use your learner portal to express your interest.
Please wait for confirmation that you are booked onto a course before attending.
If you are new to the College please enrol here.
Learner Portal
If you have enrolled with us within the last 2 years or so you will have access to our learner portal. This makes booking onto courses even easier! You can request to book onto courses and see what course you have attended. Use the links below to the portal and our user guide.
Other Community Offers
Welland Walks- Curious Motion- Elland- first Thursday of each month
Welland Walks are gentle and accessible walks for wellbeing, taking place monthly in Elland. An opportunity to come together with others and enjoy the wonderful benefits to our mood, sleep, and immune system that nature can offer. Each walk involves a short creative activity to explore our connection to the local landscape. Walks take place on the first Thursday of each month at 10am. We enjoy a route along the canal for around an hour, and start and finish at Project Colt on Elland Bridge. Children are welcome but remain the responsibility of their parent/ carer at all times.
Led by our fantastic Volunteer Walk Leader, Debbie, these are informal and restorative walks to help clear the mind and warm the body.
More details, contact and booking link at Welland Walks – Curious Motion
Kirklees Libraries – MakerSpace survey
Kirklees Libraries are engaged in an exciting project to create two MakerSpaces within Dewsbury and Huddersfield Libraries. MakerSpaces will provide a collaborative space for communities to come together to learn, share, explore, design and create. They will offer a wide variety of equipment, with everything from 3D printers and laser cutters to embroidery machines and woodworking tools, and much, much more.
They are carrying out a survey to ensure we hear the views of our community, to influence how we use our MakerSpaces, and to ensure they meet the needs of the people of Kirklees. We are particularly interested in hearing the views of small and startup businesses; artists, hobbyists and creatives; and families with children.
Kirklees Libraries would be very grateful if you would complete this online survey and share the link with your communities, customers and clients, so that they also have the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on this project.
Fresh Futures Employability Programme
Batley January 20th – 24th– Monday-Friday from 9:30am-3:30pm
The programme is an excellent opportunity for those who may lack confidence in the employment process, want to build up their skills or experience, or may face barriers into employment.
Are you:
18-26 years old, living in Kirklees and not in work or education
CV and interview skills, Confidence building’, 10-day placements and Creative skills
Lunch provided and travel expenses reimbursed!
Contact us today– email link below
Information for professionals
Staff can refer by contacting at the email address or by filling out the email form – see below.
Participants must be between the ages of 18-26 and not currently in employment or education. They can be referred by contacting us directly at this email address or filling out the online form on the link below.
If you work with any young adults who may benefit from working on their employability, please get in touch at the email address or the contact number below. We would be happy to answer any questions/discuss potential participants with you.
TeL 01484 415465
Waythrough – Peer Support What’s On! January – March 2025
These activities are open to everyone aged 18 or over who lives in Kirklees and experiences mental
health issues, problems, or concerns. You do not need to be seeing an employment advisor to join.
Simply call the number below and ask for Karl Jackson-Lander, the Peer Support
Coordinator, who will assist you to fill out a short referral form so you can attend.
Activities include: Assertiveness and Communication, Stress Management, Self Esteem and Resilience, Ways to Wellbeing, Mood and Food. Just click on the link below for full details, dates and times.
What’s On – January – March 2025 (PDF, 168 KB)
For more information or to book a place please contact:
Karl Jackson-Lander on:
Mobile: 07909 993203
Email: Karl.Jackson-Lander@richmondfellowship.org.uk
Proper Job: Coming back in January- courses listing
Proper Job would like to thank all of their partners for their support this academic year and throughout 2024. They wish those who are celebrating, a lovely festive season and the very best to everyone for the coming year.
Friday 24th January: LAB Taster Session (3 hours, 10am-1pm)
See our space, meet the team, and try out some activities before committing to a full course.
PACE Taster Workshop (2 hours, 2pm-4pm)
Interested in a career in the creative sector? Want to know a bit more about what’s out there? This workshop will showcase some of the many thousands of roles in the creative industries, and help you plan your next steps into a career in the arts.
Across all courses
Up to £5 per day reimbursed travel costs
£5 voucher for each day of course completed (Up to £50 for learners completing LAB Project)
Must have the right to live and work in the UK (or have been a resident for a minimum of 6 months)
For PACE: Must be over the age of 16
For LAB: Must be unemployed, low earning, seeking work, retired, off sick or economically inactive and must be over the age of 19 (born on or before 31/08/2005)
Want to make a referral?
Get in touch!
Email: mollie@properjob.org.uk
Office – 01484514687
Mollie – 07716639494
Free Drumming for Wellbeing 2 week courses funded by Central England Co-operative- Holmfirth Tech and Denby Dale Methodist Church
Free Drumming for Wellbeing 2 week courses funded by Central England Co-operative.
Holmfirth Tech – Wednesdays 10-11.30am
26th February & 5th March
Denby Dale Methodist Church – Thursdays 10-11.30am
27th February & 6th March
Did you know that group drumming reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and boosts fitness?
These two hands-on courses teach participants the benefits of playing percussion together. Learn to play the different Samba percussion instruments as a group supported by members of Valley Beats Samba Band. This very friendly class is run by professional Community Percussionist Katie Mallard. Suitable for adults or all ages and all abilities. Absolutely no experience needed.
Booking essential
Visit: www.rhythmstick.co.uk/book-a-course
or contact Katie 07736 049089
Hebden Bridge Cinema
Hebden Bridge Picture House, New Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AD
Click on the link below to view the current film programme.
Email info@hebdenbridgepicturehouse.co.uk
Hebden Bridge Picture House website
01422 842807
Cost of Living Information:
National Databank – Free SIMS for people on low incomes
Like a foodbank but for mobile data, the National Databank provides free mobile SIM cards for people who can’t access the internet. It is run by the Good Things Foundation but is partnered with O2.
To find out if you are eligible, please visit any O2 store. You can find your nearest store by clicking on the O2 website link below.
To find out more about the scheme, this is the O2 website link here: National Databank | Free Mobile Data, Minutes & Calls
You can also visit the Good Things Foundation here.
Good Food For All Kirklees- Interactive Map
Good Food For All Kirklees admin team have developed an interactive map with over 40 community food projects listed. So if you’re looking for local free or low-cost food please head over to https://goodfoodforallkirklees.org.uk/food-projects-map/
Good Food For All Kirklees is a network of community groups, organisations, charities and individuals across the Kirklees district involved in helping meet the needs of our communities through projects and schemes that support access to sharing, cooking and growing good food. If you run a local project that shares food, runs cooking sessions and/or offer community-growing opportunities they would love you to join their network, or contact them.
Click the link below to find links to websites and workbooks that can provide help and advice with money, debt and the cost of living.
Cost of Living Information – Calderdale and Kirklees
Follow us on our socials here:
Have a great snow free weekend
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
07717 867911
Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery and Wellbeing College
Correspondence address:
Ravensleigh Resource Unit
28 Oxford Road
WF13 4LL
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Get Involved in our 10 Year Celebrations through Fabric Art!
Join us to celebrate 10 years of C&K Recovery & Wellbeing College! This year the Recovery College is ten years old, and we’d like to invite you to help us...
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Weekly Update
Happy New Year, and welcome to the first Weekly Update of 2025. We are looking forward to seeing you on our courses this next year. Coming up soon… Cuppa and...