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Weekly Update
We hope you’ve been staying cool in the heat this week! Welcome to the weekly update where you can find out about upcoming courses at the College, as well as...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update with lots of information on available courses and community offers. It is great to see you book onto our courses. Many of which are now...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Summer is just around the corner, and we’re celebrating with a new seasonal theme: Time to Shine! With the lighter evenings and warmer weather (hopefully!), this...
Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. This coming week 1st-7th June is Volunteers Week. As anyone attending our College will know we have plenty of volunteers at our...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update as we draw to a close of Mental Health Awareness week. It has been great to listen to the radio and hear so much discussion...
Weekly Update
Welcome to a bumper edition of the weekly update. We have a number courses now on offer with spaces available (see below). Next week is Mental Health Awareness week from...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Lots in this week’s update including information about how you might work for us! Read on for more course and community offers! In case...
Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. This months Keeping connected is a must read – with inspiring stories of recovery from Learners, volunteers and friends of our College...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. May we take this opportunity to wish you Eid Mubarak if you are celebrating this weekend. We have been busy working with our partners to...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We hope you had a good Easter break whatever you were doing! We have been busy working with our partners to offer you some amazing...