Weekly update

college news

October 7, 2021

Welcome to the weekly update! Read on to find out about up and coming courses and community opportunities.

Please click the link below to view all our courses

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Sunday 10th October is World Mental Health Day!

As a college we wanted to reflect on what we have learnt over the last 18 months from the collective, but personal  experience of living in a pandemic. You can read here what our volunteers and leaners have learnt and listen to an interview of Rob Webster ( Ex-Chief Executive of South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust) by our volunteers Gary, Michael and Tony as part of the 2020 discover project.

World Mental Health Day – Learning lessons from Covid

For this year’s World Mental Health Day the Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign is focusing on “What works for me”, demonstrating how different actions can help us with our mental wellbeing, with a variety of simple tips offered by the NHS endorsed Mind Plan quiz that shows ‘there are little things we can all do to look after our mental health’.


As is it mental health worlds day this would be a good time to remind everyone of a new website launch in September:

This is a dedicated information portal to help people with suicidal thoughts and those concerned for the mental wellbeing of anyone who lives in West Yorkshire. It includes:

  • Details of organisations that support people who are feeling suicidal in each area of West Yorkshire
  • Information about the Leeds and West Yorkshire Suicide Bereavement Services, which offer 1-to-1 and group peer support to anyone who has lost a friend, family member or colleague to suicide
  • News and information about suicide prevention partners locally and nationally, including specialist support for men.

Suicide Prevention (suicidepreventionwestyorkshire.co.uk)

Steering Group at the College

What makes our college different is that we work with people with a lived experience of mental health or related health issues alongside professionals. We plan courses together and co-deliver them. We also involve our volunteers in much of the decisions and day-to-day running of the college. We call this co-production.

To ensure we continue to develop and grow our College in the right way alongside people with a lived experience, we are setting up a Steering Group for the College.

The Steering Group will be a source of support and guidance, developing the College within both Calderdale and Kirklees localities.

We will have representation from learners, volunteers and staff from Mental Health services on the Steering group.

If you would like to know more and express an interest in joining the Steering Group please contact the college at ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk or call us on 07717 867911

here is what one of our volunteers thinks about co-production:

Co-production more than a buzz word!


Up and coming courses


Quiet the Mind: The practice of meditation

Are you always on the go; continually having somewhere to be and something to do?  Do you struggle to switch off and give your brain a well deserved break?  If so, this is the course for you.  This interesting introduction to meditation, will over 4 weeks, teach you some of the history and facts about meditation, the reasons to meditate and how this practice can help us live in the present moment and experience comfort and stillness.  You will learn how to meditate using a variety of techniques, and as a group will discuss “The Power of Now”.

Quiet The Mind: The Practice of Meditation

Starts: Monday 1 November 1.30-3pm online and workbook (4 weeks)

Understanding Dementia

Are you concerned about your memory or that of a loved one? Have you or someone you know been
recently diagnosed with Dementia? Do you work or volunteer with people who experience memory
issues? If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you would just like to find out more about
Dementia then this is the course for you. This one-off workshop delivered by Kirklees Dementia Hub will
provide you with information about symptoms, the progression of Dementia, how to access support and
be able to answer some of your questions relating to this diagnosis.


Understanding Dementia

Starts: Thursday 2 November at 10.30am (face to face at the RWC in Kirklees)
Starts: Monday 15 November at 10.30am (online)

Online Yoga

Science has shown that a regular yoga practice can help produce feelings of calm and relaxation. It can help us in managing our mental health and physical health. We are excited that the Recovery and Wellbeing College can offer learners a 4 week online Yoga course with experienced Yogi Carla Daly.

Online Yoga

Starts: Thursday 4th November 10.15-11.30am (4 weeks online)

To book a place on a course or to find out more please contact us or visit:



Other courses from local providers


Richmond Fellowship

Assertive Communication on zoom – 14th October 1-4pm

Stress Management – 25 October 1-3pm

Volunteer training taster workshop – 4th November (2 weeks) 1-3pm

Self Esteem – 15th November 1-3pm

Coming out of lockdown on zoom – 18th November 1-3pm

Ways to wellbeing 29 November 1-3pm

Mood and Food 9 December 1-3pm

For more information or to book a place please contact:

Karl Jackson-Lander on 07909 993203

email: Karl.Jackson-Lander@richmondfellowship.org.uk

Other initiatives from local organisations:


Kirklees Together – Black history month events

Visit their website for more information on the events taking place throughout October. If you’d like to learn more about how Creative Minds is working with BAME communities in South Kirklees contact Alex Feather

Volunteers needed for a research project: SPACES

(Supporting Physical Activity through Co-production)

Are you living with Schizophrenia, Bipolar or Schizoaffective Disorder or supporting someone with these mental health conditions? Would you like to join our consensus group and help us develop a new physical activity programme?

You will be invited to 4 meetings with other members of the consensus group between Sept 2021 and Sept 2022. We’ll let you know what the meetings will involve before you agree to joining the group. There will also be some ad-hoc communication – such as email communication, asking your thoughts and checking documents.

You will be offered a £20 shopping voucher for each meeting you attend plus any travel expenses.

More more info contact Mark:


Call: 07342 067843


The Dewsbury: Your Health in Mind Project is here for you:

Bringing together a Dewsbury-wide project, for you and your community, aimed at supporting emotional health and wellbeing. We will be linking up supportive services, organisations and groups that help provide opportunities to engage with healthier outlooks and wellbeing, build confidence and reduce feelings of isolation.

This month we’ll be running some more of our popular Café Connections across Dewsbury so come along, meet some new people, and enjoy some free coffee and cake too! Or why not join us for a Mindful Autumn Walk at Earlsheaton Park on Wednesday 20th October and take in the sights, sounds and feelings of the beautiful autumnal surroundings.

For more info: Dewsbury: Your Health in Mind | S2R Create Space

email: contact@s2r.org.uk or call/text 07895 510 433 to book your place on a session.

Join us on Facebook and Instagram:

C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook


 Stay safe, reach out and have a great weekend


The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team

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